compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
The Conquered
by compound complex inmy escape from a home beloved was of sheer and unqualified necessity.
my people and i have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent towards us is not one of beneficent intervention, but that of utter conquest.. if it were only the mere subjugation of a weaker species, we might have acquiesced, although begrudgingly.
however, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us proved to be the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh.
The Conquered
by compound complex inmy escape from a home beloved was of sheer and unqualified necessity.
my people and i have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent towards us is not one of beneficent intervention, but that of utter conquest.. if it were only the mere subjugation of a weaker species, we might have acquiesced, although begrudgingly.
however, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us proved to be the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh.
compound complex
Does it not stand to reason that the destruction of one's own home should prompt one to seek out new worlds? The Metalunans did so eons ago, yet the attitude displayed toward their newfound hosts, while not entirely benevolent, was closer to humanistic than that shown us miserable humans by the Martians.Why do I refer to ourselves as miserable humans? The decimation of the human race by an alien force cruel and invincible has given rise to such sentiments of despair. The degradation that precedes the most unspeakable of protracted life-terminating procedures would make the tortures invented by human history's most notorious villains appear little more than those devised by schoolyard bullies.I regret that I have survived the initial attack. -
The Conquered
by compound complex inmy escape from a home beloved was of sheer and unqualified necessity.
my people and i have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent towards us is not one of beneficent intervention, but that of utter conquest.. if it were only the mere subjugation of a weaker species, we might have acquiesced, although begrudgingly.
however, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us proved to be the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh.
compound complex
I haven't much time . . .
Conflict is on the horizon, moving ever closer toward us. Our being a peace-loving people does not mean that we are weak and ineffectual. Yet, by comparison to the powers that are to be, we shall constitute their easiest prey. We are no match for their kind.What is this alien force -- so fearsome and implacable -- that marches in relentless asymmetrical rhythm: triplet, crotchets, quavers, crotchet? I shudder that such uncommon and foreign a meter should, nevertheless, bring NEMESIS unfailingly to his quarry. Perhaps I ought not to register any surprise at all. My only palpable emotion at this time is fear, a terror that engulfs every bit of me.The red dust that enshrouds their military machine has reached us, parching our throats, infiltrating our lungs. The carrying wind is bitter and cuts deeply to the core.The descent and ascent of their chromatic war chant fills me with horror as I contemplate the formidable and merciless aspect of these damnable creatures, they who advance slowly but deliberately toward the termination of our race. I hear the brassy salvos of their ordnance. Yet again, the protracted cacophony of mechanized warfare.Nemesis is angry. No mercy.None . . . -
The Conquered
by compound complex inmy escape from a home beloved was of sheer and unqualified necessity.
my people and i have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent towards us is not one of beneficent intervention, but that of utter conquest.. if it were only the mere subjugation of a weaker species, we might have acquiesced, although begrudgingly.
however, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us proved to be the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh.
compound complex
I awake in a place that, clearly, is not home.
As I look about in a blurry daze, the expected trappings of bed, chair, and scuffed, dirty walls have disappeared during my wretched slumber. All the familiar has slid away, swirling downward, but not swallowed, into an eerily black vortex above which my stiffened body floats unaffected by the devouring maelstrom. My immediate surroundings are an atmosphere of greenish hue that is a most peculiar expanse of sky. Emerald. Iridescent. Extraordinary. Suspended amidst the shimmering splendor of these undulating waves of a surreal firmament is a golden sphere -- a moon. The gentle but steady rays of illumination it sends forth warm me. I find this puzzling: the celestial body is not a star.
I continue to have no control over my body, yet I am not uncomfortable, nor do I sense any imminent danger. Something has changed regarding the direction put upon me. A force -- what I would imagine to be a tractor beam -- draws me upward and away from the strangely silent but malevolent whirlpool below. Coming into focus at a distance seemingly close, but probably an infinite space away in light years, is an incredible edifice of glass, porcelain, and adamantine steel, a veritable temple of a night's vision, most likely dedicated to some constellation's mercurial god. Opalescent double doors of immeasurable height, hung upon hinges of gold, begin to open in protracted slow motion. Blazing from within this celestial palace is a brilliance like that of Earth's noonday sun. I gaze directly upon its supernal glory; in the manner of a dream, I am unharmed.
I startle as there emerges from doors now fully opened the likes of which nightmares are made . . .
A stream of congealing blood-red water gushes with ferocity through the newly opened doors. With frightening abandon it rises and falls sharply, wildly, to the accompaniment of an unidentifiable, shrill blast. This cacophonous herald blares forth like shrapnel from outsize trumpets played by a dozen rampant jackals, goose stepping in strident march tempo upon a trail of stars. Their hideous aspect in this unfamiliar role of court musicians is repellent yet singularly alluring; I cannot look away, much as I wish. I am sick. As the wash of roiling waters loops round and round the monolithic plank of stars, it disappears suddenly into a crevasse torn into the fabric of this swirling, greenish sky.
As though nonexistent for the din of the screaming trumpets, I perceive a harmonious but somber backdrop of a passacaglia pouring luxuriantly from some impossible, heavenly pipe organ, rising steadily, from pianissimo, to piano, to forte, to fortissimo . . . FORTISSISSIMO! At the zenith of this divine explosion of purest sound, the jackals and their brassy salvos implode. Gone, swept forever into the abyss. I wince, attempting to cover my ears. I cannot raise my hands from my sides.
My innards melt away, like those of a snail, from this insane and deafening sound attack. Oh, man! My life is over!
You'll Never Forget Fata Morgana!
by compound complex inwhat my friend photographed while we were viewing the pacific ocean:.
compound complex
Thanks, Xanthippe and waton, for your replies and information.
I believe, Xanthippe, that your question can be better answered by the link I gave, as well as by waton's story. I'm no scientist!
Best wishes.
You'll Never Forget Fata Morgana!
by compound complex inwhat my friend photographed while we were viewing the pacific ocean:.
You'll Never Forget Fata Morgana!
by compound complex inwhat my friend photographed while we were viewing the pacific ocean:.
compound complex
We were lucky to have such a clear day, which is not so unusual during the fall. The only thing in the distance that is "real" is the huge building with two smokestacks (far left). Oh, yes -- the mountain at extreme right.
You'll Never Forget Fata Morgana!
by compound complex inwhat my friend photographed while we were viewing the pacific ocean:.
compound complex
What my friend photographed while we were viewing the Pacific Ocean:
Witnesses vying for "who has the biggest trials to cope with"
by stuckinarut2 init struck me that witnesses have mastered the art of revelling in "trials and problems" that require "enduring".
of course, the persecution complex, and the paranoia about these "wicked last days" no doubt contributes to this.. if one witness has some health issue, or if another has a family drama, they seem to revel in sharing these stories amongst their witness friends...almost in an attempt to elicit sympathy.. has anyone else noticed this?.
most normal people though outside of the org, simply recognise that life has its ups and downs, and need to be dealt with..
compound complex
There's a Scripture (I'm too lazy to look it up) that states all those desiring to live in godly devotion with Christ will be persecuted. It's part of the package.
Frankly, I became sick to death of hearing "Satan this and Satan that" in almost every JW conversation, as ToesUp intimated.
Funniest or strangest thing to happen to you when knocking on a door
by usualusername1 inwhat is the funniest or strangest thing to happen to you or your partner when knocking on doors?.
mine was seeing a greenhouse with mannequins inside.
compound complex
A female dog in heat following a pretty young sister and me from door to door. Finally, a door opens and I give my presentation while a male dog, who catches up to the three of us, . . .
The sister runs off hysterical while I politely excuse myself.
Oh, it was back in the '60s. Wish I could remember the HH's reaction.